I am thankful for:
1. My husband of 18 years that finally figured out he was married to a crazy woman in the throws of roller coaster emotions, hot flashes and night sweats.
2. My 16, 14 & 10 year
olds who have just managed to live while rolling their eyes at me and sucking air through their teeth.
3. My parents who thought it was a wonderful adventure to adopt a 15 year old who rolled her eyes and pouted beautifully.
4. That I had some wonderful years with my grandmother who thought that there would be a future use for her green metal canisters, used mason jars, her 1950s mangy fake fur, 40 cans of corn from 1972, and a patchwork suit case. So she kept them in the attic....just in case.
5. My grandfather who loved to cackle at the Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote and felt that we had slept our life away if we were in bed past 6am.
6. My
MawMaw and
PawPaw who showed me a biker man and his woman were quite lovely people.
7. My Uncle Ben who knew me before anyone else and still didn't think Mom and Dad were crazy to adopt me.
8. My brother and sister...who knew that they would outgrow that annoying need to pester me so they could have children of their own to pay them back?
9. My friends who know I am cracked...and love me for it.
10. Sarah Lee, who has allowed me to claim her concoctions of joy over the years. Cheesecake...
11. And seriously, I am truly thankful for all the wonderful quirky things that have happened in my life. God has blessed me abundantly with more joy and love than any one person deserves!!